Home remedies for toothache  

Monday, October 29, 2007

The best ‘home remedy’ is to take good care of your teeth! So, always rinse your mouth regularly, especially after meals; brush and floss to remove morsels sticking between the teeth; and generally follow good oral hygiene. However, if you do get saddled with a toothache, opt for toothache pain home remedy instead of over-the-counter medication, since they’re safe and effective. Let’s see what they are:

a. Ice massage the hand:

Gently rubbing an ice cube in the area between the forefinger and the thumb for several minutes is an effective toothache remedy, as it eases toothache. It acts by overwhelming the pain impulses that usually travel along the nerve pathways. It has a 60 to 90% success rate. Ice placed directly on a throbbing tooth also helps ease the pain.
b. Garlic:

Placing a clove of garlic with little rock salt on the affected tooth helps relieve or even cure the pain.
c. Onion:

Toothache pain is often allayed by placing a small piece of onion on the bad tooth or gum, since onion has antibacterial properties that kill the germs in the mouth.
d. Lime:

This rich source of vitamin C prevents tooth decay and also provides toothache pain relief.
e. Wheat grass:

The juice of wheat grass is an excellent mouthwash for tooth decay and a natural toothache remedy. It also draws out the toxins from the gums and checks bacterial growth.
f. Asafoetida:

This bitter, foul-smelling resinous material obtained from the roots of several plants of the parsley family, helps in instant toothache relief.
g. Bay berry:

This is an effective toothache natural cure. Applying a paste made from bay berry bark mixed with vinegar helps relieve the toothache.
h. Oil of clove:

Clove oil, put directly onto the affected tooth or dabbed with a cotton ball on the decayed tooth, relieves toothache.
i. Pepper:

A pinch of pepper powder mixed with common salt is an excellent cure. It’s especially effective against the increased sensitiveness of the teeth.
j. Oil of oregano:

This is an effective remedy for toothache, because it displays antimicrobial activity against food-borne pathogens that cause tooth decay.
k. Salt:

A salt water mouthwash gets rid of tooth infection and helps cure toothache. Thorough rinsing of the mouth with salt water is important.
l. Liquor:

Good news for those who love their drinks! By squeezing a wad of cotton wool soaked in brandy against the affected tooth helps numb the pain. You can also make the gum numb by taking a swig of whiskey and holding it over the painful tooth.

Toothache can strike without warning and once it does, it just can’t be ignored. So, if you’re prepared to tackle this menace with homemade toothache remedy, you can be sure of a quick and effective relief. However, discuss these remedies with your physician beforehand before using them

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Home Remedies for blackheads  

1). Apply a paste of gram flour and curd on the blackhead affected area. When the mixture hardens and dries up, gently scrap off with your finger tips and wash the face.

2). Wash your face. Take steam and scrub little with paste of oatmeal or almond powder in rosewater.Rub it with your fingertips especially over the affected area.Then leave it to dry for 20 minutes.Wash with cold water.

3). Take some oatmeal powder and boil it in little water. Cool it , mix some lemon juice in it. Apply on the face.

4). Take equal amount of lime juice, almond oil and glycerine. Apply on the face. It cures blackheads and also the discolouring spots on the face.

5). Apply undiluted lemon juice, three times a day, on the affected areas.

6). Heat little honey and apply on the blackheads.Wash off after 10-15 minutes.

7). Beat an egg white stiff and add 1 tablespoon of honey to it. Apply on the face with a cotton roll and leave for half an hour. Wash with warm water and pat it dry.

8). Take one and a half cups of hot water and add half a tablespoon of boric powder it, soak a face napkin in this hot solution and press on to the skin, repeat twice. Extract blackheads carefully with a blackhead remover and sterilized cottonwool. Apply astringent.

9). Mix 1/4 cup boiling water with one teaspoon of Epsom salt and three drops of iodine.Cool until it can be touched.Saturate a cotton ball with this mixture and dab on blackheads.This will loosen the blackheads so that they can be easily squeezed with a gauze pad.

10). Mix cornstarch with vinegar, apply on the area for 15-30 minutes; wash off with washcloth and warm water.

11). Apply a paste of fresh methi (fenugreek) leaves over the face every night for 10-15 minutes and washed with warm water.This prevents blackheads.

12). Mix 1 tablespoon of groundnut oil with 1 tablespoon of fresh lime juice to prevent formation of blackheads.

13). Make paste of ground radish seeds with water and apply on face to remove blackheads.

14). Take the mixture of glycerine soap, fuller's eartth (multani mutti) and almond powder in the ratio 2:1:4.Add boiled water to make paste,apply on the blackheads.

15). Apply a paste of jaggery to blackheads . Let it dry for 20 minutes. Peel off, and the blackheads will come out too.

16). 2 tablespoons fullers earth, 2 tablespoons sandalwood powder, 2 drops of garlic juice, 1 egg white, rose water.Apply it on blackheads,it definitely shows results.

Never go for squeezing a blackhead directly or it will result in a scar on your face.
Drink lot of water.

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Home Remedies for Dandruff  

1). Cure for dandruff - Pour vinegar into the hair, massaged into the scalp, and left to dry for a few minutes.Then the hair is washed.The process is repeated daily until the dandruff disappears, usually within a few days.

2). Mix 8 tbsp. peanut oil with the juice of half a lemon. Rub the mixture into your hair, leave on for 10 minutes and then wash as usual.

3). Add 3 drops of tea tree oil, a natural antiseptic, to a small amount of shampoo and then wash your hair.

4). Rinse your hair with a solution of 1/4 c. vinegar and 1 qt. water.

5). Use an infusion of the herbs chaparral or thyme as a hair rinse.

6). Add flaxseed oil, primrose oil or fish oil to your diet.

7). Use kelp as a seasoning.

8). Take selenium, vitamin B complex, vitamin E and zinc supplements. Do not exceed 100mg of zinc a day.

9). Take vitamin C and a bioflavonoid complex.

10). Add lecithin granules or capsules to your diet.

11). Avoid or decrease your intake of fried foods, dairy products, sugar, chocolate and nuts.

12). Tea tree oil works! Try tea tree oil (3 drops mixed with shampoo and left on for 5 minutes) and it works in the first washing!

13). Try washing your hair with 1/4 cup buttermilk like any shampoo and leave it on for about 5-10 minutes. Do this for 1-2 weeks. Then wash out hair using a small amount of shampoo. Your hair may smell a bit funny, but this really works

14). To prevent dandruff, use cold water and a mild shampoo. It will prevent your scalp from drying out.

15). Mix baking soda with water and mix it in her hair. It makes hair softer and takes away the dandruff.

16). Use a shampoo called Nizoral 1%. It takes away the the flakes along with the itchy greasy scalp. It takes about 2 weeks to kick in.

17). Look for tar shampoo called "DHS Tar Shampoo." It works great!

18). Rub a few drops of mineral oil with a cotton ball on your scalp. Leave it in for 5 minutes then wash it out.

19). Mix 1/2 cup of peroxide with 1/3 cup of orange juice and pour it on your hair. The dandruff flakes will disappear. Your hair doesn't smell that bad, either!

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Home Remedies for Pimples  

Home Remedies to treat pimples - It generally takes one to four weeks time to get rid of pimples.

1). Apply a paste made of nutmeg, pepper and a little water. Apply on the pimples and allow to dry. Then wash off.

2).Mix 10 grams juice of white onions with 5 grams honey and 1 gram rock salt and apply on pimples.

3).Wash your face thrice a day and apply calamine lotion on the pimples.

4). Apply a paste made out of ground mint leaves on the pimples and leave overnight. This will ease the pimples and clear other blemishes also.Never pick pimples for if you do so they leave scars.

5). Take a little each of rice, poppy-seeds & almonds and grind to a fine powder and mix it with 2 tablespoons of curd and apply to your face. Allow to dry for 10 minutes and then wash off and see your skin glow and the pimple marks fade away slowly.

6). In gram flour add curds (yogurt) and make paste and apply on face, before it dries completely rub that. Do this for every two days.

7). Take fresh cinnamon powder and put it in tightly sealed bottle and take little powder mix with water and apply this only on pimples. Wait for some time and wash your face. Do this for at least 10 days.

8). Take ripe papaya and mash then apply on pimples.

9). Take out the fat from the curd and apply this curd to pimple and face and take shower after 15 minutes.

10). Warm honey and mix gram flour and apply this paste to face. Wash with warm water after it dries.

11). Grind mint leaves and apply on pimples and wash after 5 minutes.

12). Tulsi is a great medicine. Grind tulsi leaves and apply on pimples.

13). Take tender neem leaves and rub with fresh turmeric this will make a best medicine for pimples. Apply this paste on pimples. Do this for at least 10 days.

14).Avoid taking oily food, sweets, fries, and potatoes. Take fresh fruits and other fresh vegetables with your diet. Don’t take more non-vegetarian. Drink at least 8 glasses of water every day.

15). Always drink plenty - 8 glasses minimum and more is better. Water helps the body flush it self better and more efficiently.

16). Apply white vinegar to the face, neck, and back. Let is sit for 5 minutes then rinse off with warm water.

17). Use lemon as an exfoliate treatment to remove dead skin cells that clog the pours. Apply the lemon to the infected areas. Let dry for 10 minutes then rinse off with cool water. You might feel a bit of a burning sensation when you apply it. If you can’t take it then dilute the lemon a little bit.

18). Eat a well balanced diet that is high in fresh fruits and vegetables. Avoid unhealthy foods such as greasy or fast foods whenever possible.

19). Take a good quality multi vitamin daily. As well add zinc supplements to your daily intake. Zinc has shown remarkable results in clearing acne.

20). Use Grape seed extract or Echinacea to help boost your immune system to better fight acne causing bacteria.

21). Use Dandelion or Burdock to detoxify your liver and kidneys.

22). A paste made from one teaspoon each of sandalwood powder and turmeric mixed with milk, is very good.

23). A paste of nutmeg and water is also beneficial.

24). Half a cup of Aloe Vera pulp can be taken internally (Do not take internally if pregnant) or applied externally to the skin.

Dosage: Twice a day. Before going to bed, wash the face thoroughly and then apply a paste of 1 Tsp. coriander juice mixed with a pinch of turmeric powder. For pimples, apply a paste made from one teaspoon of cumin seeds. Remove after one hour. A paste of fresh fenugreek leaves, applied and washed off with warm water before going to bed prevents pimples.

25). Brazil nuts and pumpkin seeds are fantastic for acne because they contain selenium (Brazils) and zinc (pumpkin seeds).

26). Exercise — especially Yoga, Pilates and T'ai Chi. By exercising you increase blood flow to the skin and aid healing. But you also improve the health of your internal organs enabling them to get rid of waste more effectively. • Relaxation techniques, such as breathing exercises and meditation.

27). Reduce your intake of sugar and refined carbohydrates. Eating refined carbohydrates (white bread, pasta, rice, flour etc) and sugar leads to a surge in insulin and an insulin-like growth factor called IGF-1. This in turn leads to an excess of male hormones, which encourage the skin to excrete large amounts of sebum. This grease-like substance encourages the growth of bacteria responsible for acne.

28). Reduce your intake of caffeine. Caffeine increases the levels of stress hormones in the body and can aggravate acne. Avoid coffee, tea, chocolate and other stimulant containing drinks.

29). Reduce your intake of dairy and red meat. Did you know that dairy products and meat are hard to digest, and form acid in the body? Remember, your internal health is reflected by your skin. If you eat too much animal protein, your body won't get rid of waste products effectively, and they will be released via the skin as acne. Dairy and red meat also contain high levels of hormones which can result in more acne. Many people can’t consume dairy products do in part to being allergic to it.

30). Sunshine and fresh air. You may not believe this, but the best form of natural healing, other than water, is good sole sunshine. Yes sunshine stimulates the creation of vitamin D in the body — an essential vitamin for healthy skin. A little bit of fresh air and sunshine every day will also reduce stress and increase oxygen to the skin. Even when it's overcast, the sun's rays reach us, so take a 10 minute walk outside every day.

31). Blend a cucumber, apply externally, leave on for 20 minutes, then wash off.

32). Rub watermelon rind on the acne.

33). Apply Aloe Vera.

34). Eat watermelon or drink watermelon juice.

35). Drink tea made from carrots including the tops and beet tops.

36). Drink lukewarm water with 2 teaspoons of honey every morning on an empty stomach. This effectively lubricates the intestines. If one does not evacuate the intestines regularly, the toxins either end up in the liver or come out in the skin.

37). Homeopathic treatment - Essential Oils or Herbs:

~Belladonna— for people who experience flushes of heat to the face or who have inflamed pustular acne that improves with cold applications

~Calendula— for skin conditions involving pustules or blisters

~Hepar sulphur— for painful, pus-filled acne

~ Kali bromatum— for deep acne, especially on the forehead, in persons who are chilled and nervous ~ Silicea— for pustules or pit-forming acne

~ Chaste Tree Berry taken each morning can help prevent premenstual breakouts.

~ Lavender or Tea Tree Essential Oil can be applied directly to the blemish up to 3x daily.

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25% of Indian women work without pay  

What’s more, one in six working women nationwide has no say in how her earnings are spent, with her husband or in-laws making the decision for her

One in four, or 25% of Indian women do not get any form of payment for their work, compared to only 5% of Indian men, according to the results of the third National Family Health Survey (NFHS-III) released on October 11. Women below 20 were least likely to receive only cash wages and most likely to be engaged in wage-less work, the survey found.

India’s most comprehensive health and social indicators survey ever, which interviewed 1.25 lakh women and 75,000 men aged 15-59 across 29 Indian states and the national capital New Delhi, in 2005-2006, found extreme gender disparities with regard to participation in the workforce and compensation.

It also provides valuable insight into the role that age plays in women’s employability, and sharp regional, community and religious disparities in women’s employment as well as the extent of working women’s financial empowerment.

Nationally, 43% of currently married women, aged 15-49, are employed, compared to almost 99% of married men, 92% of whom get cash wages for their labour, NFHS-III reported. Only 51% work exclusively for cash wages while 13% receive payment in both cash and kind.

Women aged 35-39 were found to be most likely to be employed and least likely not to receive any cash wages. Nonetheless, even in this age-group, one in five women does not receive cash payment for the work.

Kamla Gupta from the International Institute of Population Sciences, Mumbai, one of the 18 research institutes that conducted the NFHS says: “Employment among currently married women increases from 31% in the age-group 15-19, to 50% in the age-group 35-39, and then declines to 45% in the oldest age-group. In contrast, employment among married men does not vary across states. In all states, 96% or more married men were employed.”

Among employed women, those aged 15-19 were least likely to be employed for cash only (39%) and also most likely to be employed in work for which they don’t receive any form of compensation.

More tellingly, one in six working women nationwide has no say in how her earnings are spent, with her husband or in-laws making the decision for her. Even in the oldest age-group of working women, the wealthiest and the most highly educated, only between 28-31% said they decided how to spend their wages.

Even in states where at least three out of four employed married women earn in cash, like Kerala (91%), Tamil Nadu (90%), Goa (83%), Assam (85%) and West Bengal (83%), women don’t have control over their earnings.

However, the level of financial control over one’s earnings did vary according to religion if not by region, the NFHS found. Among Buddhists and Hindus, the husband was more likely to have a greater say in how his wife’s earnings were spent (15%-16%). By contrast, Muslim and Jain women enjoyed a greater level of financial empowerment than other communities, with up to 38% saying they had a major say in how their wages were spent.

“Financial empowerment also requires control over the use of one’s earnings. When women in the survey were asked who decides how the money they earn will be spent, only 24% who earned said they decided on their own what to do with the money they earned, while 57% said their husbands had a major say. For 15%, the husband single-handedly made that decision,” says Gupta.

Freedom of movement was also a luxury for most of the women surveyed. While only about half were allowed to go shopping or to a health facility alone, only 38% were allowed to travel unaccompanied outside their city or village.

Source: PTI, October 14, 2007
www.nfhs.nic.in, October 11, 2007

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Mukesh Ambani is world's richest man  

Jai Hind: Proud to be an Indian

Billionaire Mukesh Ambani today became the richest person in the world, surpassing American software czar Bill Gates, Mexican business tycoon Carlos Slim Helu and famous investment guru Warren Buffett, courtesy the bull run in the stock market.

Following a strong share price rally on in his three group companies, India's most valued firm Reliance Industries, Reliance Petroleum and Reliance Industrial Infrastructure, the net worth of Mukesh Ambani rose to $63.2 billion (Rs 2,49,108 crore).

In comparison, the net worth of both Gates and Slim is estimated to be slightly lower at around $62.29 billion each, with Slim leading among the two by a narrow margin.

The five richest people in the world with their net worth

1. Mukesh Ambani ($63.2 billion)

2. Carlos Slim Helu ($62.2993 billion)

3. William (Bill) Gates ($62.29 billion)

4. Warren Buffett ($55.9 billion)

5. Lakshmi Mittal ($50.9 billion)

Warren Buffett, earlier the third richest in the world, also dropped one position with a net worth of about $56 billion.

Ambani's wealth of about Rs 2,49,000 crore includes about Rs 2,10,000 crore from RIL (50.98% stake), Rs 37,500 crore from RPL (37.5%) and Rs 2,100 crore from RIIL (46.23%).

Slim's wealth has been calculated on the basis of his stake in companies like America Movil (30%), Carso Global (82%), Grupo Carso (75%), Inbursa (67%), IDEAL (30%) and Saks Inc (10%).

According to information available with the US and Mexican stock exchanges where these companies are listed, Slim currently holds shares worth a total of $62.2993 billion, with more than half coming from Latin American mobile major America Movil. Slim is closely followed by Gates with a net worth of $62.29 billion currently.

Earlier last month, US business magazine Forbes had named Gates as the richest American with a net worth of $59 billion, calculated as on August 30. The magazine had said that a movement of $2 in the share price for Microsoft, the world's biggest software maker, could "add or subtract $1 billion" from his wealth.

Since August-end, Microsoft's share price has risen by $6.58 (based on yesterday's closing on Nasdaq at $35.03), which results into a gain of $3.29 billion in Gates' wealth based on Forbes assumption.

Besides a stake in Microsoft, Gates' wealth also includes the commission and license fees earned by him and gains through his shares in an investment holding company that invests across the market.

Gates is followed by Buffett at the fourth place in the league of the world's richest with a net worth of $55.9 billion through his holding in his investment vehicle Berkshire Hathaway and in other companies. At the end of August, Buffett's wealth stood at $52 billion, as per the Forbes magazine. Berkshire Hathaway's share price has gained by about 7.5% since then.

Earlier on September 26, Ambani had overtaken steel czar Lakshmi Mittal to become the richest Indian in the world.

Mittal currently ranks as the fifth richest in the world with a net worth of $50.9 billion through his 44.79% stake in world's biggest steel maker ArcelorMittal.

While most of Mittal's wealth comes from his steel empire, though he has also spread his wings into businesses like oil and real estate, those of Ambani and Gates are mostly through petrochemicals and software respectively. However, Buffett and Slim are making money from investments across a host of sectors.


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Why Carry That Heavy Laptop Clone Your Computer on a USB Drive  

If you are working across multiple computers that are not connected to each other, you probably use the good old USB drive (or external hard drive) to store and carry your Office documents, Photoshop drawings, personal pictures and other multimedia files.

Perfect. Now imagine a situation where you have all required data on the USB drive but the computer you are currently working on (say in the cyber cafĂ© or a friend’s place) doesn’t have the necessary software programs that are required to view or edit those files.

That computer neither has Microsoft Office for creating PowerPoint presentations or Excel sheets, nor Photoshop and AutoCAD for you to edit those important CAD drawings. Even the media player is missing so you cannot watch your personal video and music collection that you have been carrying in the pocket.

What if you could carry all your favorite software applications (and their settings), Office files, emails and everything else with you on a portable drive? You just plug-in that drive into the USB port of any computer and start working as if that was your own PC.

Well, your dreams can come true with Mojopac from Ringcube - an absolutely brilliant tool that very-easily clones your existing computing environment onto any USB Drive. And if you have an iPod or a USB based cell phone or Digital Camera, Mojopac will work just fine so you have one less device to carry.

To get started, you connect the USB drive to the main computer (that has the stuff you need most) and install the free Mojopac software. What you then see is a fresh Windows XP environment without any software. Now install all the applications (and even games) that you want to carry around– they are not installed on your computer but on the USB drive.

Once you are done, eject the USB drive and plug into any Windows computer. All those programs and documents can now run off the USB drive. Mojopac will also save your application settings and software preferences as you move around computers.

Mojopac uses the resources of the host computer but runs entirely on the USB drive without modifying anything on the host. Once you eject the USB device out of the friend’s computer, there are no traces left – not even your web browsing history. Nothing less than magic.

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WidgetBucks 25$ SignUp Bonus  

WidgetBucks features pay-per-click shopping widgets that help bloggers make money fast. They instantly display the most popular products based on buying trends of 100 million shoppers. When a reader clicks on the widget and visits the advertiser, you make money. According to WidgetBucks, widgets earn $3-$6 CPM which is relatively higher than other ad networks.

WidgetBucks integrates with Blogger, TypePad, WordPress, Movable Type, and other large blogging platforms. Some of the features as listed on their site are as below:

* When users click your ads, you get paid.
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High Paying Keywords on Adsense to Make Money  

Google Adsense is definitely a high paying money making advertisement program on the web. But the money that you make depends on the money advertisers will pay for that keyword, and the commission which Google makes out of it.

There is no confirmed public list for these keywords. 7Search.com has a list of Top Paying Searches. Some words like mesothelioma, asbestos cancer etc. are known favourites of webmasters, which are rumoured to have 50 dollars per click! KeywordSense offers another list of high paying keywords, though the prices are not mentioned. Several high paying keyword lists are in circulation, but none have confirmed pricing - because the price varies with time and region and you are not allowed to disclose the exact price per click recieved as per terms of Adsense.

Some even claim to create pages and even sites stuffed with such high paying keywords, just to for the money to be made. But remember that such efforts may be against the Adsense program policies, terms of service, or webmaster guidelines and get you removed off the high paying program. So dont run around creating sites around high paying keywords, instead create good content which will automatically have all relevant keywords.

The dynamics of the advertising game: If the keyword topic is rare and few competing advertisers have fewer sites to show them, lower will be the keyword price to show your ad first. As more people make webpages and the competition goes up, the cost of the keyword goes up. That is the simple basics of advertising. So keywords which are lower paying today, may pay higher over time. Advertisers will pay more if they can get back much more money from surfers who enter their site after paid clicks.

Another important factor is how much does google keep and how much does it pay you of the money it makes. Google does not publicly acknowledge how much percentage or specific amount it will pay via the Adsense program. So although a keyword may be high priced for the advertiser, the Adsense user maybe getting much less. But it seems they pay a fair share for your efforts, infact much better than most advertising programs. Also remember that prices vary per region.

Bid Tool is a quick way to determine how much advertisers are willing to pay for your selected keywords. But the keyword prices of both these tools vary. Incase you want to find keywords for your sites, you may find the Keyword Selector useful. Google Suggest also offers excellent suggestions for what keywords people are searching.

Have you found your way to make money by high priced keywords yet!

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